Pesticide Exposure

Pesticide Residues in the Food

According to Eskenazi et al (2009), exposure to DDT and its breakdown product p,p'-Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene or DDE may be associated with adverse health outcomes such as breast cancer, diabetes, decreased semen quality, spontaneous abortion, and impaired neurodevelopment in children. In addition, prenatal exposure to Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene or DDE may contribute to development of asthma (Sunyer et al, 2005).

Sunyer J, Torrent M, Muñoz-Ortiz L, Ribas-Fitó N, Carrizo D, Grimalt J, … Cullinan P. (2005). Prenatal dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE) and asthma in children. Environmental Health Perspectives, 113(12),
Eskenazi B, Chevrier J, Rosas LG, Anderson HA, Bornman MS, Bouwman H, … Stapleton D. (2009). The Pine River statement: human health consequences of DDT use. Environmental Health Perspectives, 117(9), 1359–1367.

Public Health Concern:

With technological explosion, it has been a struggle to find reliable information; therefore, as a healthcare professional, we should be cognizant that patient often use ‘google’ and ‘wikipedia’ to understand. I am not against the two tech companies; however, patients, in my opinion, read articles that they want to understand and, most often than not, what they need to understand. Increasing public awareness thru responsible and reliable information is still the key.

I will contact the pesticide company and inquire about the pesticide. In New York, there is the Child Safe Playing Fields Act banning cosmetic use of pesticides on playground and sports field at schools and day care. In California, the counterpart is the Healthy Schools Act which mandates parent notification when pesticides are to be applied and recommends least-toxic Integrated Pest Management for schools and daycares.

As an ICU nurse for more than 20 years, I believe I can categorically identify poisoning in adult population. That said, I do not have ample exposure to pediatric and maternal population.
Urine toxicology is always in the panel of lab test I often seen ordered in ER.

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1 comment:

  1. After researching, I found out that most food we eat if it is not organic, it contains some degree of pesticide. As a result, i have decided to purchase organic food as much as possible. But, pesticide are almost everywhere we go, so we have to become actively involved in being advocates of policies implementation to reduce pesticide use in public places.
