The Greening of Healthcare

In my observation, I believe that our hospital does not offer organic foods or use low volume toilets; however, it supports the following greening-in-the-healthcare setting: paper recycling, energy-star appliance and equipment, carpooling, bicycle parking and the staff were mandated to undergo hazard-communication training regarding potentially harmful chemicals.
 If I have a magic wand, I would like all hospitals to purchase or install dual-flush, pressure assisted toilet bowls.These toilets help you save water. Each flush of pressure-assist toilet uses 1.1-1.2 gallons, compared to dual-flush gravity-flow at 1.3 gallons or single-flow (1.6). That can add up to 4,000 gallons annually.


The Federal Government which the VA belongs to is the largest energy consumer in the nation. According to the Office of Federal Sustainability, the federal government manages more than 350,000 building and 600,000 vehicles.
That said, the purchasing decision depends on what needs to be purchased. The Office of Procurement, Acquisitions, and Logistics (OPAL) stated: “the products and services of the industry are required by a nationwide system of hospitals, clinics, Veterans Integrated Service Networks (VISN), data processing centers, and National Cemeteries which require a broad spectrum of goods and services.”  These goods and services can be purchased in small or large quantities on a national, regional or local level. Each facility has a local Acquisition office with its procurement process based on federal VA directive. Also, most acquisitions at a medical center are of a definite-delivery/indefinite-quantity type as most of the purchasing is accomplished through the use of the Federal Supply Schedules.

·       Running the dishwasher only when it's full can eliminate one load of dishes per week and save the average family nearly 320 gallons of water annually.
·       Letting your faucet run for five minutes while washing dishes can waste 10 gallons of water and uses enough energy to power a 60-watt light bulb for 18 hours.
        Turning off the tap while brushing your teeth can save 8 gallons of water per day and, while shaving, can save 10 gallons of water per shave

The largest uses of water in hospitals are cooling equipment, plumbing fixtures, landscaping, and medical process rinses.

I also found this interesting website. Curious to know your water footprint? Try

1 comment:

  1. I like how you talked about specific actions and their effects. Because of this,I have committed to turning water off when brushing my teeth. Your posting had a great impact on me changing my habits.
